Linking in to Ensembl...
Due to the changes in the web interface there have been a number of changes to the URLs for pages. In most cases the web code catches these changes but there are a number of requests which due to the nature of the site have changed:
- Configuring the way a page is rendered;
- Changing the way tracks are rendered;
- Adding DAS sources via a web-address and not via the web interface;
- Attach UCSC style external resources.
- To change global page settings: add a paramter config=key=value{,key=val}
e.g. to turn off the top image on Location > Region in detail;config=view_top=off
e.g. to link directly to the Exon Intron markup panel (Transcript > Exons) and to show full introns and only 60bp flanking sequence AND turn the display to be 60bp wide;config=flanking=60,seq_cols=60,fullseq=yes
- To change configuration for an individual panel add a parameter refering to the panel (this will be documented shortly on the website) e.g. For Location > Region in detail the two panels are contigviewtopcontigviewbottom, for Location > Region overview it is cytoview. This is again a comma separated list, where the left hand side of each "=" is the name of the track, and the right hand side is the name of the "renderer" to use - the latter depends on the type of track. Additionally the left hand side can be used to integrate external data: Notes:
- Track names are now systematically named so will have changed from the values you may have been used to using - again we will shortly publish a list of these, but examples are: transcript_core_ensembl - the ensembl genes from the ensembl database.
- Renderers depend on the type of track, but e.g. for transcripts you have the option of "transcript_label", "transcript_nolabel", "collapsed_label" and "collapsed_nolabel", for alignment features (and also url attached data at the moment) "normal", "half_height", "stack", "unlimited" and "ungrouped", for DAS tracks "labels" (show labels if configured by the source) or "nolabels" - hide labels.
- At the moment two special parameters can be used:
- which attaches a DAS source to the session and selects the renderer
Turns on a das source (in this case the Ensembl transcripts) and collapses the standard ensembl track down to a single line per Gene AND also turns off the top panel!